

These were so easy to make–thanks Silver Palate cookbook! Bring a cup of milk, teaspoon of salt and a stick of butter to a boil. Turn off the heat and then add a cup of flour. Whisk vigorously and return the pan to medium heat until batter has thickened (mine was somehow already thick so I skipped that part)

Add 4 eggs, one at a time, and mix in 1.5 cups of cheese. I chose cheddar, though I suppose a traditional gougere requires Chevre or Parmesan.

Spoon into one-inch balls on greased cookie sheet, brush 5th egg on top, bake for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. So fluffy, so cheesy, so good!

2 Responses to Gougeres

  1. traderjanki says:

    hey carey,

    i want to make these tonight. how many gougres come from these proportions?

  2. Carey says:


    it probably makes about 20ish “puffs.” In theory, they are supposed to be round and airy, though mine managed to deflate…though the taste was still great!

    let me know how they turn out!

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